The power of being #together
Five months before, I had my second baby delivered. The infant underwent all the mandatory test to make sure the baby's health is fine. The doctor said the baby's weight, heart beat and breathing was normal and everyone was relaxed. The hospital visiting hours are from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and only one person is allowed to stay with the patient at night. So my mom decided to stay with me, since she can help me out when there is any need. My sister, my husband and my father went home.Around 10 P.M, the doctor suspected something was wrong, since the baby was not active and not crying for milk. They felt the sugar level for the baby must be low and hence the doctor advised to test the sugar every 3 hours for the baby.
During the first test, the sugar level was normal. It was around 2.A.M they did another round of sugar test for the baby. The sugar level was low and the nurse called the doctor immediately. The doctor advised to shift the baby to “Baby hospital” which is 2 KMS from the hospital. As soon as I heard the baby needs to be shifted to Major hospital I was nervous. Since I had undergone the operation, I was advised not to go out from the hospital. My mom took the baby and went with the doctor and the baby was admitted in the ICU.
I was left alone in the hospital. The loneliness killed me and increased my fear. I don’t want to call my father at that odd time. But I called my husband and he directly went to the baby hospital. I was badly waiting for the clock to tick 5.00 AM so that I can call my father and request him to come to hospital for support. As soon as I called them in the early morning, first they scolded me for not informing about the situation. My father and my sister rushed to the hospital. As soon as I saw them I burst out into tears. The Pain that I held entire night came out with scream on seeing my close ones. They gave support and consoled me that the baby will be alright soon. It was their soothing words gave me the power of optimism. There was a small god statue in the hospital. I took my sister and we did prayer for hours. My family members kept talking some stories to keep my mind occupy with some stuffs.
Around 10, I got a call from my husband saying that the baby is completely back to normal and the sugar level is steady. Still they wanted to keep the baby under observation for a day. I said I want to meet him. He came to hospital and my father went to Baby hospital. My husband explained the baby activities and it gave me confidence. At that point of time, I realized the power of being #together! And presence of a person would make much difference and it would give hope and strength to face any problems in life.